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Buy Splicer / Reducer Wire Lugs

Tip: Parts listed in order of incr/easing Wire Size


Part Number
& Image
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Description and Information Pricing and Purchasing
Part No.

4 AWG Splicer Reducer 4-14 AWG



4 AWG Splicer

Wire Range Screw Type Rating




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4-14 AWG .045 Slotted Screw AL7CU


dimensions diagram


A: 0.34" (8.6mm)

B: 31/64" (12.3mm)

C: 1.01" (25.7mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions

"P4" Splicer/reducer wire lug, 4-14 AWG wire range, aluminum or copper wire, splicer, splitter or reducer, CU7AL, 75C temperature rating, built in wire stops, Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. IHI® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts.


IEC grounding sybol

E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,

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RoHS 10/10

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Part No.

4 AWG Splicer Reducer4-14 AWG


4 AWG Splicer

Wire Range Screw Type Rating




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To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

4-14 AWG Hex Socket Screw AL7CU


dimensions diagram


A: 0.34" (8.6mm)

B: 31/64" (12.3mm)

C: 1.01" (25.7mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions

"P4-HEX" 4 AWG splicer reducer wire lug, 4-14 AWG wire range, aluminum or copper wire, splicer, splitter or reducer, CU7AL, 75C temperature rating, built in wire stops, Hex Screws. Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. IHI® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts.


IEC grounding sybol

E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,

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RoHS 10/10

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Part No.

2 AWG Splicer Reducer 2-14 AWG


2 AWG Splicer

Wire Range Screw Type Bolt Size Mounting Hole Rating




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To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

2 - 14 AWG .051" Slotted Screw #10 0.218" dia. mounting hole 2-14CU9, 2-8AL9



Approved for three and four wire applications. (Two #10, #12, or #14 wires acceptable. No mixing.)

dimensions diagram


A: 1.21" 30.7mm)

B: 0.56" (14.2mm)

C: 0.46" (11.7mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions

Two Wires Per Barrel

Wire Size AWG (mm2)

















Code Copper - - - Y - Y - Y
FLEX (G-K classes) Single Wires Only.
No mixing wire gauges.


"P2" 2 AWG splicer reducer wire lug, 2-14 AWG wire range, and FLEX, 4-12 AWG, 4-16 with ferrule**, 25mm2-4mm2, wire class G-K including mm2 class 5, singles, and multiples of wires: 2x #10, 2x #12 or 2x #14 wires, aluminum or copper wire, splicer or reducer CU7AL, 75C temperature rating, single #10 bolt cl/earance mounting hole or wire insertion "sight" hole, or wire stop hole, Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. IHI® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts.


IEC grounding sybol

**TORK KRIMP® TORK KRIMP® ICON - patent pendingMethod for clamping wires using uncrimped ferrules is protected under Patent No. 10630005. Full instructions for self crimping ferrules here.

E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,


(2) #10 AWG or
(2) #12 AWG or
(2) #14 AWG

with mounting or
"view" hole


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RoHS 10/10

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Part No.

2 AWG Splicer Reducer 2-14 AWG


2 AWG Splicer

Wire Range Screw Type Bolt Size Mounting Hole Rating




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Authorized Distributor:


To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

2 - 14 AWG 1/8" Hex Socket Screw #10 0.218" dia. mounting hole 2-14CU9, 2-8AL9



Approved for three and four wire applications. (Two #10, #12, or #14 wires acceptable. No mixing.)

dimensions diagram


A: 1.21" 30.7mm)

B: 0.56" (14.2mm)

C: 0.46" (11.7mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions

Two Wires Per Barrel

Wire Size AWG (mm2)

















Code Copper - - - Y - Y - Y
FLEX (G-K classes) Single Wires Only.
No mixing wire gauges.


"P2-HEX" 2 AWG splicer reducer wire lug, 2-14 AWG wire range and FLEX, 4-12 AWG, 4-16 with ferrule**, 25mm2-4mm2, wire class G-K including mm2 class 5, singles, and multiples of wires: 2x #10, 2x #12 or 2x #14 wires, aluminum or copper wire, splicer or reducer CU7AL, 75C temperature rating, single #10 bolt clearance mounting hole or wire insertion "sight" hole, or wire stop hole, 1/8" Hex socket screw. Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. IHI® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts.


IEC grounding sybol

**TORK KRIMP® TORK KRIMP® ICON - patent pendingMethod for clamping wires using uncrimped ferrules is protected under Patent No. 10630005. Full instructions for self crimping ferrules here.

E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,


(2) #10 AWG or
(2) #12 AWG or
(2) #14 AWG

with mounting or
"view" hole


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RoHS 10/10

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Part No.

2/0 AWG Splicer Reducer 2/0-8 AWG


2/0 AWG Splicer

Wire Range Screw Type Mounting Hole Rating




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Authorized Distributor:


To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

2/0 - 8AWG 3/16" Hex Socket Screw 0.2" dia. mounting hole AL7CU
P2/0, 2/0 AWG splicer reducer 2/0AWG - 8 AWG, SPLICER-REDUCER

dimensions diagram


A: 1.59" (40.39mm)

B: 0.70" (17.9mm)

C: 0.56" (14.3mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions

"P2/0" 2/0 AWG splicer reducer wire lug, 2/0-8 AWG wire range, aluminum or copper wire, splicer or reducer CU7AL, 75C temperature rating, single #10 bolt cl/earance mounting hole, or wire insertion "sight" hole or wire stop hole, Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. Hex socket screws. IHI® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts.


IEC grounding sybol

E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,

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RoHS 10/10

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3/0 and 4/0 AWG Splicer Reducer




3/0 and 4/0 AWG wires use 250 kcmil size connectors

(3/0 AWG = 168 kcmil, 4/0 AWG = 212 kcmil)


Lugs that accept 3/0 and 4/0 AWG wire include:




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Part No.

250 kcmil (4/0 AWG) Splicer Reducer 250 kcmil-6 AWG


250 kcmil Splicer

(4/0 AWG Lug)

Wire Range Screw Type Bolt Size Mounting Hole Rating




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Authorized Distributor:


To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

250 kcmil (4/0 AWG) - 6 AWG 3/8" Hex Socket Screw 1/4" 0.266" dia. mounting hole AL9CU
P250, 250 kcmil SPLICER-REDUCER, 6AWG 250kcmil (4/0 AWG)

P250 2 wires

Approved for two to four wire use (two wires per barrel)

dimensions diagram


A: 2.50" (63.5mm)

B: 1.13" (28.7mm)

C: 0.83" (21.1mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions


Two Wires Per Barrel

Wire Size AWG (mm2)















Code Copper Y Y Y Y Y Y -
FLEX (G-K classes) Single Wires Only.
No mixing wire gauges.


"P250" 250 kcmil (4/0 AWG) splicer reducer wire lug, 250 kcmil (4/0 AWG)- 6 AWG and FLEX wire, 3/0-6 AWG, class G-K including mm2 class 5, with mounting hole. Rounded corners for/easy taping or shrink tube. Aluminum or copper wire and FLEX copper wire, splicer or reducer AL9CU, 90C temperature rating, Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. Hex socket screws. IHI® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts. Mounting hole.


UL & CSA Approved for Multiple wires class B, C, 2X AWG 2-6 &2X 25-16 mm2 & (1X) FLEX wire Classes G-K sizes #3/0-#6 AWG.
Use of Ferrules (UL Listed) on wires 3/0-6 AWG


IEC grounding sybol

UL, CSA Cat. 
No. S250,
E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,

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RoHS 10/10

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Part No.

250 kcmil (4/0 AWG)Double Wire Double Barrel Mechanical Lug 250 kcmil-6 AWG


250 kcmil Lug

(4/0 AWG Lug)

Wire Range Screw Type Bolt Size Mounting Hole Rating




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To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

250 kcmil (4/0 AWG) - 6 AWG 3/8" Hex Socket Screws 1/4" 0.266" dia. mounting hole AL9CU

P250 250 kcmil (4/0 AWG) aluminum splicer-reducer lug

P250 2 wires

Approved for two to four wire use (two wires per barrel)

dimensions diagram


A: 4.00" (101.6mm)

B: 1.13" (28.7mm)

C: 0.83" (21.1mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions

Two Wires Per Barrel

Wire Size AWG (mm2)















Code Copper Y Y Y Y Y Y -
FLEX (G-K classes) Single Wires Only.
No mixing wire gauges.


"P250-2S" 250 kcmil (4/0 AWG) Splicer-reducer, 250 kcmil (4/0 AWG)- 6 AWG and FLEX wire, 3/0-6 AWG, class G-K including mm2 class 5, with mounting hole. Rounded corners for easy taping or shrink tube. Aluminum or copper wire and FLEX copper wire, splicer or reducer CU9AL, 90C temperature rating, Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. Two binding screws per wire, hex socket screws. International Hydraulics Inc.® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts. Mounting hole.


UL & CSA Approved for Multiple wires class B, C, 2X AWG 2-6 &2X 25-16 mm2 & (1X) FLEX wire Classes G-K sizes #3/0-#6 AWG.
Use of Ferrules (UL Listed) on wires 3/0-6 AWG


Per Wire in Power Distribution
or Collection Mode:

255 Amp 75C Cu Wire
290 Amp 90C Cu Wire
205 Amp 75C Al Wire
230 Amp 90C Al Wire


E129884 UL486A,B,
ZMVV, 1243943
CSA 22.2 No.65



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RoHS 10/10

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Part No.

250 kcmil (4/0 AWG) Splicer Reducer 250 kcmil-6 AWG


300 kcmil Splicer

Wire Range Screw Type Bolt Size Mounting Hole Rating




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Authorized Distributor:


To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

300 kcmil - 6 AWG 3/8" Hex Socket Screw 1/4" 0.266" dia. mounting hole AL9CU

P300 300 kcmil aluminum splicer-reducer lug

dimensions diagram


A: 2.50" (63.5mm)

B: 1.13" (28.7mm)

C: 0.91" (23.1mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions


"P300" 300 kcmil Splicer-reducer, 300kcmil-6 AWG wire range,  and FLEX wire, 4/0-6 AWG, class G-K including mm2 class 5, with mounting hole. Rounded corners for easy taping or shrink tube. Aluminum or copper wire and FLEX copper wire, splicer or reducer CU9AL, 90C temperature rating, Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. Hex socket screws. International Hydraulics Inc.® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts. Mounting hole.

UL & CSA Approved for FLEX wire classes G-K sizes #4/0-#6 AWG

IEC grounding sybol

UL, CSA Cat. 
No. S300,
E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,

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UL CSA Certificate Link

RoHS 10/10

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Part No.

350 kcmil Single Wire Lug 350 kcmil-6 AWG


350 kcmil Lug

Wire Range Screw Type Bolt Size Mounting Hole Rating




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Authorized Distributor:


To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

350kcmil - 6 AWG Hex Socket Screws


0.343" mounting bolt hole CU9AL

S350 350 kcmil single wire lug 350 kcmil-6 AWG

S350 350 kcmil Single wire lug, splicer educer application 350kcmil-6 AWG

dimensions diagram


A: 2.00" (50.8mm)

B: 1.13" (28.6mm)

C: 1.00" (25.4mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions

"S350" 350 kcmil single wire lug, 350 kcmil-6 AWG wire range, and FLEX wire, 262 kcmil-4 AWG, class G-K including mm2 class 5, 1 barrel, aluminum or copper wire, CU9AL, 90C temperature rating, one mounting hole of .343 inch dia 5/16" bolt, Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application, CSA Certified. IHI® brand.


IEC grounding sybol





Wire connectors are intended for use in installations covered by ANSI/NFPA 70, ‘‘National Electrical Code’’ (NEC), and should be installed using the prescribed manufacturer’s installation instructions.

"Stacking of connectors (multiple connectors assembled using a single bolt, nut and washers) may be permitted where mechanical interference is reduced or eliminated with the use of offset tangs, stacking adapters, and the like. The surface contact area of the mounting tang should make completecontact with the mounting surface or the previously stacked connector tang."


Ref. UL White Book ZMVV section


ZMVV UL Whitebook Installation Information


UL & CSA Approved for FLEX wire Class G-K sizes #262 kcmil-#4 AWG
Use of Ferrules (UL Listed) on wires 262 kcmil-4 AWG

310 Amp 75C Cu Wire
350 Amp 90C Cu Wire
250 Amp 75C Al Wire
280 Amp 90C Al Wire


"FLEX" E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,
CSA 22.2 No.65


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RoHS 10/10

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Part No.

500 kcmil Splicer Reducer 500 kcmil-6 AWG


500 kcmil Splicer

Wire Range Screw Type Bolt Size Mounting Hole Rating




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Authorized Distributor:


To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

500 kcmil - 6 AWG 1/2" Hex Socket Screw

#10-32 Taptite style self tapping machine screw


#8 machine screw

0.174" dia. mounting hole CU7AL
P500, 500 kcmil SPLICER-REDUCER, 500kcmil - 6AWG

dimensions diagram


A: 2.75" (69.9mm)

B: 1.14" (29.0mm)

C: 1.11" (28.2mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions

"P500" 500 kcmil splicer reducer wire lug, 500kcmil-6 AWG wire range, aluminum or copper wire, splicer or reducer CU7AL, 75C temperature rating, single mounting hole, or wire insertion "sight" hole or wire stop hole, Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. Hex socket screws. IHI® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts.


IEC grounding sybol

E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,

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RoHS 10/10

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Part No.

500 kcmil Splicer Reducer 500 kcmil-6 AWG


500 kcmil Splicer

Wire Range Screw Type Rating




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Authorized Distributor:


To inquire about bulk factory-direct pricing: sales@ihiconnectors.com

500kcmil - 6 AWG 1/2" Hex Socket Screw CU7AL

2P500, 500 kcmil Splicer reducer wire lug, 500kcmil - 6AWG

2P500, 500 kcmil Splicer reducer wire lug, 500kcmil - 6AWG

dimensions diagram


A: 2.50" (63.5mm)

B: 1.50" (38.1mm)

C: 2.22" (56.4mm)

See Mechanical Drawing for detailed dimensions

"2P500" 500 kcmil splicer reducer wire lug, 500kcmil-6 AWG wire range, aluminum or copper wire, splicer or reducer CU7AL, 75C temperature rating, two mounting holes, for mounting to insulator from bottom if needed, or wire insertion "sight" holes, or wire stop hole, Voltage Rating: 600 V, 2000 V or to 35 KV (uninsulated) depending on application. Hex socket screws. IHI® brand. Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts.


Quad Splicer Reducer Distribution

3X or 4 X 500kcmil-6AWG wires (see part P500 for 2X)


IEC grounding sybol

E129884 UL486A,B, ZMVV,

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Rated Torque Label

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RoHS 10/10



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